Crystal Pavilion

2019 - 2nd Year Spring


The Crystal Pavilion, positioned on ‘The Lawn’ at the University of Virginia, serves to be a continuation of the tradition established by Thomas Jefferson through a 21st Century interpretation. The design of the pavilion draws from the forms found on the lawn but differentiates itself by being completely constructed out of glass. This glass construction method pulls precedence from Crystal Houses by MVRDV in Amsterdam. Intended to serve as an art gallery, a light sealed volume is constructed within the glass facade. The volume is independent of the facade stylistically and structurally and serves as the gallery space for the pavilion. The transparency of the facade provided an opportunity to make an iconic moment when the volume is viewed from the exterior of the pavilion.

Crystal Pavilion front render from the Lawn at the University of Virginia (UVA)
FROM A BOX - 1777 - Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania Plate No. 1 - Index of American Design - Penna Art Project W P A

The mural draws inspiration from “Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania, Plate No. 1” and was modified to create a more complete composition that could be repeated on all four sides of the gallery volume.

Crystal Pavilion Ground Floor Plan
Crystal Pavilion Interior Render
Crystal Pavilion Interior Render
Crystal Pavilion Second Floor Plan
Crystal Pavilion Second Floor Interior Render
Crystal Pavilion Front Elevation